PASSIVE FIRE PROOFING Consultancy and Installation.

Passive fire protection is a vital component of any fire safety strategy. It is built into the structure of a building to safeguard people’s lives and limit damage to buildings and their contents. It includes the following-

Fire proofing - another name for rendering structural elements (like a column, beam or concrete ceiling) resistant to fire for a calculated time period.

Fire Stopping or Penetration Sealing -  a technique where fire is contained on one side of a wall or floor slab by the use of either Puttys & Mastics, Insulation Bats, Mechanical devices to close up likely avenues of fire spread, Cavity Barriers, etc.

Passive Fire Protection is designed and built into the structure to provide stability, and into walls and floors to separate the building into areas of manageable risk – a process known as compartmentation. These areas are designed to restrict the growth and spread of fire allowing occupants to escape and offering protection for firefighters. Such protection is either provided by the materials from which the building is constructed, or is added to the building to enhance its fire resistance. 

All these techniques can be integrated within, or applied above and beyond High Performance Ceilings and System Partitions. 

Our Sister Company FIREMARK, ( ) has over 15 years experience, and the certification to prove it, in the supply and installation of passive fire protection products.

One of the most important aspects of Passive Fire Protection is record keeping and traceability. All our engineers use data capture systems to record and document these installations as construction progresses. The data captured is time stamped and geo-located. This information is used to provide the Client or End User a handover document reflecting the design and installation of all the processes or products involved.